Awards: 2006 ASME National Magazine Awards
In the world of magazines, no recognition is more highly coveted than an "Ellie," presented by the American Society of Magazine Editors. This is the magazine equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize Nominees and winners are chosen by hundreds of editors, educators, and art directors from over a thousand submissions.
The 2006 National Magazine Award winners are:

General Excellence (over 2,000,000 circulation):
General Excellence (1,000,000 to 2,000,000 circulation):
ESPN The Magazine
General Excellence (500,000 to 1,000,000 circulation):

General Excellence (250,000 to 500,000 circulation):
New York Magazine
General Excellence (100,000 to 250,000 circulation):
Harper’s Magazine
General Excellence (under 100,000 circulation):
Personal Service: Self
Leisure Interests: Golf
Reporting: Rolling Stone
Public Interest:The New Yorker
Feature Writing: The American Scholar
Profile Writing: Esquire
Essays: Vanity Fair
Columns and Commentary: The New Yorker
Reviews and Criticism: Harper’s Magazine
Magazine Section: Backpacker
Single-topic Issue: Time
Design: New York Magazine
Photography: W
Photo Portfolio/Photo Essay: Rolling Stone
Fiction: Virginia Quarterly Review
General Excellence Online: National Geographic Online
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